What does a Voice Over Workshop look like in 2021?

We’ve just completed our first Introduction to Voice Over workshop in 12 months after restrictions finally allowed us to get a group of people back into the studio.

Having changed the format of the workshop to suit current Covid safe practises we cut the workshop down from 2 days to 1 day (plus a zoom session) and now have fewer participants in the studio. This allows us to adhere to social distancing guidelines but also give each person just as much studio time and only commit to one day of their weekend.

The earlier zoom session for our January workshop allowed us to cover of the discussion and theory so more time was spend doing practical work – so in the booth actually recording voice overs.

So without any further delay…here’s what it looked like.

We hope you can join us for one of the next workshops in Febuary!

Places filling for Feb 20/21 Workshops

Like many of you we’re glad to welcome in 2021 and finally get back into the studio for our popular Introduction to Voice Over Workshops.

Yes, restrictions have lifted to a point where can can legally (and safely) have a small group of people in the recording studio to give you the best introduction to what Voice Over is all about.

As part of the ‘new normal’ for us we’ve changed the format of our workshop slightly, breaking it into two parts;

1 – A two-hour zoom session
Previously we’d don’t much of the ‘theory’ and discussion sitting around a table at the recording studio, however we’d discovered that it works well when we do this part of the workshop via Zoom so we can focus on more practical things on the studio day.

2 – One Day Studio Recording Session
This is what really sets us apart from many other Voice Over courses / workshops. 5 participants will spend the day (11am – 4:30pm) in a professional recording studio in Southbank. Everyone gets a copy of their unedited recordings, plus we’ll edit and mix one of your voice over recordings and give you the finished production (for example a radio commercial).

The next workshops are being held on February 20 and February 21 with the zoom session on February 17 (evening). There are now 2 Places available for February 20 and 5 places open for February 21.

Feel free to reach out of you have any questions about the workshops. We hope to see you there!

An end of year message from your Voice Over Coach – Cecelia Ramsdale.

It’s fair to say that everyone with a business is looking back at this year and saying to themselves ‘well that didn’t go as I thought it would’, and well, Andy and I at Voices of Tomorrow are just the same.

At the start of 2020 we were planning 4 voice over workshop weekends and we only managed one before Covid-19, social distancing requirements and the risk of the old’ air born particles’ ruined our party! And let’s face it, many other’s parties too!

So things changed and we changed too, we did plenty of great online coaching sessions, met lots of new students and set people on the path of their voice over discovery.

We ran our intro to voice over workshop on zoom and Andy ran online workshops on how to record and edit.

But again, like for many others 2020 made us revisit how we did things, in our voice over careers, and in our training and workshops.

Both of us got our home studios updated with Source Connect, a program that lets you connect with studios world wide, we auditioned, we worked with clients here and overseas, we got a better idea of how the industry adapted to the work from home idea, and we looked at how we could give more insight to our students into an evolving industry.

We worked on voice-body connection and refreshed ourselves on theory and great exercises to use as vocal warm ups, and we decided that our weekend workshops will be different from now on. With less people per session, more studio time, more one on one coaching and happy voice people at the other end!

So we wish you a happy Christmas and fingers crossed for a more even keeled 2021.

If you’ve been thinking about getting more from your voice then come and join us for a blast in 2021. Our next group workshops are happening in February (2 dates available) and once we get into the new year we’ll be ready to welcome you to 1 on 1 coaching sessions again too.

Take the first step, you’ll love it!


Dates Set for the next Introduction to Voice Over Workshop!

We’re excited to get back into the studio in 2021

When is the next Introduction workshop? That’s a question we’ve been getting quite a bit, especially over the last few weeks as COVID-19 restrictions have been eased in Melbourne. Well the good news is that we are finally able to announce the dates for the next workshop.

In summary, here are the two workshops that are now open for bookings.

Workshop 1 – 5 participants
Wednesday February 17, 20201 (online Zoom session 7pm – 9pm)
Saturday February 20, 2021 (In-Studio 11am – 4pm)

Workshop 2 – 5 participants
Wednesday February 17, 20201 (online Zoom session 7pm – 9pm)
Sunday February 21, 2021 (In-Studio 11am – 4pm)

Note: Yes the zoom session on the 17th will host participants from both workshops.

Why are we doing some of this via Zoom?
Even as we enter the new year we can expect things like social distancing indoors and even mask wearing to still be in place. Normally we would spend time sitting as a group around a table talking through voice over theory, having discussion and doing general Q&A time. We’ve worked out that this part of the workshop can be run very well online and will prepare you for your time in the studio a few days later where you’ll end up spending more time in front of the microphone as part of a smaller group.

If you have any questions about the workshops being run in February please do get in touch and ask. At this stage we’re just announcing these two workshops and places are very limited.

We hope to see you there.

Andy & Cecelia.

Learn how to use EQ and Compression in Audacity

This Wednesday evening from 7 – 9pm Andy will be running a Zoom session for Audacity users who are ready to explore more advanced techniques in voice over editing.

EQ (Equalisation) and Compression are two of the most important tools that can help you achieve a more polished sound with your voice over recordings, but many people say they simply don’t know where to start, what plugin they should be using or how to apply these tools.

We’ll spend this session working through some examples plus looking at going beyond what’s offered in Audacity.

Book in now for THIS WEEK – https://www.voicesoftomorrow.com.au/course-dates/

Listen to the latest Voice Over Demos we’ve produced

When you’re ready to showcase your voice to world, you’re going to need some solid examples of what you can do.
This week Cameron from Western Australia stepped up to the Microphone for a 2-hour demo recording session, directed via Zoom by Andy Wells who also did all the audio post production.

Here’s the result

We also recently helped another West Australian, Katharina, with updates to her existing voice over demo, using a combination of work she had recently done along with some new recordings that were recorded remotely using source connect.

Listen to how it came out

If you’re ready to take the next step and would like to work with us on your next demo, feel free to reach out. Bookings are now open in Melbourne to record your demo from Mid-November.

What Microphone Should I buy?

This is another very common question we get asked by anyone interested in getting into voice over work and it’s a valid one as sooner or later you’re going to need to make some recordings.

The good news is that for your first microphone (yes your first one) you don’t need to spend a lot of money to get a good result, which is great if you’re just starting out and need something to practise with or to gain experience.

Andy’s prepared this sample of 3 different microphones that come at very different price points. It’s imporant to note that each microphone has been recorded in the same studio by the same voice using the same sample of a script.

The Microphones are;
Sennheiser 416 – $1050
Blue Yeti Nano – $158
Rode NTG5 – $750

If you have any questions after listening feel free to reach out and via the contact page or facebook.

Voice Over Coaching in Sept / Oct / Nov – COVID-19 Update

The Victorian Government has just revealed it’s COVID-19 roadmap to easing restrictions over the next few months, so what does this mean for Voice Over Coaching?

To be honest we’ve had to keep changing the answer to that question over the past 6 months but the new roadmap certainly makes it easier to plan the next steps.

We’re looking forward to getting back into the studio with you!

What you can do right now

If you’re in Melbourne, or anywhere in Australia we offer 1 hour Voice Over Coaching sessions via Skype for $88. These are suitable for both beginners and those with more experience and looking to improve.

We’re also running an online Zoom session on Voice Over Recording and Editing Basics – It’s just $22 and the next one is September 15 at 7pm.

What you can do from October 26

Getting to the 3rd step of the Victorian Government’s reopening roadmap is really important for us as it will mean we can then run 1 on 1 voice over choaching sessions in a studio AND we can get the Introduction to Voice Over Workshop back into the studio also (with special considerations around social distancing).

If you have any questions around what we do and how we can help you now, feel free to get in touch via the contact page, Facebook or call the number at the top right of the screen.

Recording & Editing Basics for Voice Over – Sept 15 Zoom Session

Audio Recording and Editing. These are now skills that many voice over artists need in today’s competitive world of Voice Over.

Certainly if you are already or working towards being a self-recording voice over artist or even podcast creator it’s essential that you learn the basic skills in this area.
Actually over the past 6 months many voice over artists who had never previously been required to record or edit themselves have been forced into this situation because of COVID-19 restrictions that kept them out of traditional studios. Many have had to scramble quickly to set up their own home recording space and learn how to connect remotely to studios or record themselves to send to studios or clients.

You can learn qute a bit around this using YouTube tutorials but it’s harder to find these that are specific to just basic editing for voice over…or cover way too much and become confusing. Plus these are not interactive – you don’t get to ask questions and have them answered…or even demonstrated in real time.

This is why we’ve started a new Zoom workshop that covers the basics of recording and editing voice over.
We also look at software options, paid and free plus expections of what clients/studios expect and delivery methods.

Whether you are new to voice over or experiences and want to know where to start or are already on your voice over journey and want to pick up a few extra tips, this session is for you.

The next Zoom session is September 15 from 7pm and the cost is just $22.

Bookings at https://www.voicesoftomorrow.com.au/course-dates/

Recording & Editing Voice Over – New online workshop

What: Recording & Editing Voice Over workshop
When: September 1- 7-9pm
Cost: $22 (inc GST)

** Update – only 3 places available **

If you’re interested in Voice Over, then you’ll also need to wrap your head around audio editing. This hasn’t always been the case, but to choose an over-used phrase, it’s quickly becoming the ‘New Normal’.

While for many independant Voice Over artists the idea of self-recording and editing isn’t new, COVID-19 restrictions have meant that over the past 6 months many well established artists have had to set up a home studio for the first time and learn some new technical skills so they can continue to work.

The good news is that you don’t have to study to become a sound engineer to get your head (ears) around basic sound editing so to get you started I’ll be running 2-hour online workshops to cover the basics.

The focus will be on practical demonstrations of editing techniques, plus an overview of some of the editing platforms available to you…and some time for any questions you have.

You could learn some of this via Youtube and it can be a useful resource at times, however the difference with the session I’ll be running is that it will be live and interactive and focusing on audio editing for voice over using samples from Australian voices. We’ll stick to the key basics – just what you need to know plus you’ll get some homework at the end of the session!

The session is open to 10 participants via Zoom on September 1 from 7 to 9pm. Booking at https://www.voicesoftomorrow.com.au/course-dates/