An Interview with Cecelia Ramsdale

If you come along to one of the Introduction to Voice Over Workshops you’ll meet Cecelia Ramsdale. Not just a great Voice Over Coach, Cecelia is an in-demand Voice Over artist with EM Voices in Melbourne.

If you’ve yet to meet her, you can get to know Cecelia better by listening to the Source Elements “On the Mic” podcast where she was recently interviewed. It’s a two part interview.

Here’s part 1 –

Here’s part 2 –

Happy listening!

2022 Workshops Filling Up

** Updated 1/2/22 **

We’re excited for 2022 with bookings open for workshops in February, March and April!

Here’s the line of Introduction to Voice Over Workshops and place availabilities.
February 19, 2022 – Introduction to Voice Over *Bookings Open – 1 Place available*
February 27, 2022 – Introduction to Voice Over *FULLY BOOKED*
March 26, 2022 – Introduction to Voice Over *Bookings Open – 1 Places available*
April 3, 2022 – Introduction to Voice Over *Bookings Open – 2 Places available*

As you can see places are filling up well in advance of the workshops taking place so if you’re keen to jump in and see what you can do with your voice in 2022 then I’d suggest booking sooner rather than later.

To book a place in a workshop –
To book a 1 on 1 coaching session –

We hope to see you soon.

Video – Setting up for recording on a budget

During out Introduction to Voice Over workshops we often talk about setting up to record yourself at home. This is great for practise when you’re just starting out but then for when you are ready for the world to hear your voice and start auditioning.

This can be quite a technical discussion and you will find varying opinions and recommendations on what you need to set yourself up for voice over recording at home. Honestly you can easily spend as much money as you have in your bank account in this area, but when you’re just starting out we suggest a low-budget setup is a more sensible option.

On that note Andy has put together a basic ‘Starter’s Kit’ for voice over. This includes:
Yeti Nano USB Microphone
Microphone Shock-mount and Pop Sock
Extended micro USB lead (10ft)
Microphone Stand
AKG K52 Closed Back Studio Headphones

Watch the video below as Andy takes you through the setup and, most importantly demonstrates how it all sounds.

This ‘Starter’s Kit’ costs LESS THAN $300 however it’s worth noting that you still need a room to record in (which may need acoustic treatment) plus you’ll need a computer for recording and editing.

If you are interested in getting one of these kits we have two available and ready to go.

Starting your character voice journey – Daisy’s story.

How do you get started doing character voices for animation and video games? Everyone’s story is different but we sat down with @DaisyDoesVoices to talk about hers.

Andy Wells with @Daisydoesvoices in the studio talking about getting into character voice work

“How do I get started doing characters voices for games and animation?”
We get that question A LOT at Voices of Tomorrow, and there’s really no single answer, no one path. Everyone’s journey is different so here’s one we’d like to share.

Daisy came to Voices of Tomorrow wanting to get into character voice work earlier this year. We just have her a little nudge but she did the rest. Have a listen to her story below.

Interview with @DaisyDoesVoices

Workshop Bookings Now Open for 2022!

With COVID-19 restrictions easing in recent times we’ve been able to open up and run our final Introduction to Voice Over workshops for 2021. With places being snapped up quickly in the last of our workshops for the year we can now announce that bookings are open for the first workshops in 2022!

We’ll continue to focus on workshops for beginners in February, March and April next year, however there are still also options for those of you who may already have more experience but really want to ramp up your efforts. If this is you then chat to us about 1 on 1 sessions or finally getting your first demo produced.

A Place in a Voice Over Workshop – The gift that keeps on giving.
If there’s someone in your life that may be interested in giving Voice Over a go, consider gifting them a place in an upcoming workshop. Once you book in we’ll be in touch and can send you a special ‘entry pass’ that you can print out and put under the Christmas tree (or even in a Birthday card). We’ve done this quite a few times of the past year with that ‘gift’ helping someone to get started on their voice over journey.

Each group workshop is open for a maximum of 5 (Fully Vaccinated) participants working with two voice over coaches in a spacious, professional studio environment.

If you have questions about the workshops or other coaching options we offer, feel free to get in touch any time via the contact form or call the phone number at the top of the page.

Listen to the latest Voice Over Demos we’ve created

As you continue on your Voice Over journey, you may get to a point where you feel you’re ready to put your voice out there to start getting some paid work. One of the most valuable tools to help you do this is a Voice Over Demo (Also called a Voice Over Reel).

For experienced voice over professionals, a Voice Over Demo contains recent samples of actual paid work they’ve done, however if you’re new to Voice Over then you won’t have this so instead you need to record material to showcase your voice. This is something we can help you with.

Have a listen to some of the latest Voice Over Demos we’ve created…







When you’re ready to record your first demo, get in touch for a chat or go ahead a book in for a Demo Creation Session.

Last Places Available for 2021 Workshops

As we moved out of restrictions at the start of this month we’ve been able to lock in our final Voice Over workshops for the year after months of not being able to run them at all. Now, places are limited if you’d like to get started in Voice Over in 2021.

We have our popular Introduction to Voice Over Workshop running on November 27 and December 4. Both of these dates have just ONE place available.

If you’ve already done one or our workshops or coaching sessions and are looking to get back into the studio to “level up” then our Next Step workshop is a great opportunity to do it. We have just TWO places available for this workshop running on November 28.

Book now for these final workshops for the year at

We look forward to seeing you in the studio soon!

Bookings Open for November 27 & December 4 Workshops

The short version of this announcement…

Bookings are now open for our next Introduction to Voice Over Workshops. Places are limited and you can book HERE.

Now the longer version…

With the 80percent Covid-19 fully vaccinated rate coming up in the next week we finally have the clarity to make some solid plans around running workshops in November and December.

Right now we have opened up bookings for two of our Introduction to Voice Over Workshops. November 27 and December 4.
At the time of writing we have 3 places available in each of these workshops and we expect these will fill quickly!

Along with the group workshops bookings are also now open for 2-Hour, in-studio 1 on 1 coaching sessions. Unlike the group workshops these are not held at Southbank but at a private studio in Upper Ferntree Gully. Feel free to reach out and ask if you feel you’d like to do one of these.

Voice Over Workshops set to Return in November & December

Well, it’s been months in the making but we are almost ready to fire up our popular Introduction to Voice Over Workshops again!

You can expect bookings to open before the end of October for dates in November and December, but before you book in please note that all participants will need to be fully COVD-19 Vaccinated. In consultation with Bang Bang studios and following the directives of the Victorian Government for safe return to work practises for various industries, this will be a requirement until further notice for all group workshops. If you have any questions around this please feel free to contact us.

We will confirm your vaccination status when you book for a workshop and may ask you to confirm this by presenting your digital or hard copy vaccination certificate on the day.

We’re looking forward to having you join again from mid-November. Stay safe!

Andy & Cecelia

Phase C = Restart of Workshops

The newly announced Victorian Roadmap of proposed restriction levels may not offer us any short term relief from Covid-19 restrictions, but for many businesses (including this one) it does thankfully provide some light at the end of the tunnel.

The point at which we’ll be able to return to the studio for both group workshops and 1on1 coaching sessions will be “Phase C” when 80% of 16+ are fully vaccinated due to happen around November 5.

We’ve already done our part with both Andy & Cecelia now fully vaccinated and we’re hoping that everyone else who wants get back to something that looks more like ‘normal’ will do the same.

After cancelling workshops in June, July, August, September and now October our eyes and ears and fixed on November and December for the next round of workshops. Booking are not open yet but as Melbourne follows the roadmap out of restrictions we’ll also switch on your ability to book into the next workshops.